Tue 21 Jan
Treating a man like a KING , comes easy to this QUEEN - 27
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta, Perimeter Area 285/400)
Treat Yourself Like a King! $60 specials! (Outcall) - 23
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta, Marietta, Smyrna, Atlanta, Decatur, Buck)
Time to wine down an relax ...Well stop wasting your time an get with the BEST!! - 24
(Atlanta, MARIETTA)
TIGHTER ⓣⓗⓐⓝ EvER 🍭 Ur ⓕⓐⓥⓞⓡⓘⓣⓔ ThiCk Ebony BARBiE °• ¥ÕU wÕn† F¡nD BETTER - 19
•*♥ ThICK;• *♥*EbONy §W€€†♥ FrEAkk ♥ ;ೋSPECIALS *ღ• PL€a§uR€* - 20
(Otp North, Norcross,JimmyC,85N,Duluth)
Thick n Sexy**** Women ** Ready, Willing and ABLe to Satisfy **** Tall N Fine !!!! AWESOME - 34
(Atlanta, Clairmont/85/Atlanta area)
~*Thick & Juicy hot & ready... Grown Mans Walt Disney World...Come & get*~ - 21
💕🍭🌴 The Baddest Bitch Is In Town 🍬🍭👅 100% Real Pics - 23
(Atlanta, Jimmy Carter/ Norcross, Otp North)
The Girl YU Have Been Feinin For Is Here!!! (Welcome to Molly's World) 》》9123186908 - 30
(Savannah, Savannah /Hinesville)
°• ThE G0Ld stAndArd. AcCepT nO suBstItutIOns. •° »geNts onLy« -nO boyS aLL0weD- - 24
(Atlanta, INCALL ONLY 285/Lavista)
$$$$$$$$$$ TaTTooED NyMpH $$$$ NaUgHtY !!!!! $$$$ AvAiL ALL NiTe $$$$$$$$$$$$ - 28
***The BEAUTIFUL MISS LAURIE, the meaning of a courtesan! (678) 780-5818 (10AM-6PM ONLY)*** - 50
(Atlanta, Gainesville, Ga / Atlanta, Ga, Otp North)
°Tastee Clean Juicey °° Big B()()ty Freak ** . Specials** (`v`) - 21
(Atlanta, BuckHead, Midtown Lenox Area)
Tall Thin with a great Rack! 100% Real Photos, Highly Review my id# is 151049!!! Preferr 35+ clients - 25
(Atlanta, Outcalls only Buckhead GA400 Airport)
☆ ☆Super THICK☆SNOWBUNNY ☆ I☆ ☜❤☞☆So much fun⇨ im super F®e@K¥⇨ - 27
(Atlanta, Peachtree Ind Blvd in and out calls)
💖 Super SEXY Curvaceous Ebony‼ (accepting OUTCALLS🚗)👌 GREAT REVIEWS - 23
(Atlanta, Conyers DoravilleNorcrossDunwoodySmyrna)
Super HOT sexy REAL Brazilian Bombshell @@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@ - 24
(Atlanta, out calls only)
★ !!!! **** SUPER * SEXY * HOT **** !!!! ★ - 22
(Marietta Incall /outcall)
~ ~ ~ ~SUPER HOT & -READY * _* EXOTIC Play GIRL* - * TASTY SPECIALS* * * * - 23
(Atlanta, Conyers/lithonia/st.mountain)
*[]__SUNDAY DELIGHT__[]* - come learn the true definition of DEliCi0US - 19
(Atlanta, GA 400 - exit 9)
==Supa SeXy= JaW DRoPPiNg TALENT ==DiVe In Deep Freaky Stacey Stacked CrAzY SPECIALS - 23
(Atlanta, Chamblee Norcross/Dunwoody/)
★—— S—U—P—E—R ———❤ —— H—O—T—— ❤—— 100% REAL PHOTOS——— ★ - 24
(Otp East, N. Druid Hills.Decatur.All Atlanta Areas)
:¦:-•StUnNiNg BruNeTTe•-:¦:-• GOrGeOuS•-:¦:-• New to town •--:¦:-• - call me baby***+£ I'm broke - 19
(Atlanta, Outcall only)
stroke it slow motion- watery rain fall...look no futher.... old dixie hwy opt south - 21
(Otp North, old dixie tara blvd)
SsUPR FRAK¥_ *!*FL!RTY*!**!* *!*EROTIC PLAYMAT *!*__*!* ( iNcalls ) - 22
(Atlanta, Chambleedunwoody//perimeter)
(((SPECIALS)))$100Hour ❣Highly Reviewed❣🌠BBW√√ •°•°•💕SOFT Caramel🍭 🍭Delight💕 •°•°•BBW🌠 - 22
(Atlanta, Marrietta WindyHill, Otp North)
SPECIALS!!! for yur pleasure monday night specials HR&HLF; HR - 20
(Otp South, riverdale/camp.creek/ALL.of.hwy.85)
sPls spls iRrEsiStIbLe~*~ uN4gEtTaBlE~*~ 2nD2NONE~*~ tUrN eM iNtO BeLiEvErS~*~ EVERY TIME - 22
(Otp South, airport 85 shannon flat union city area)
SpeCiaLs ★ --------------- 💋BLONDE hair BLUE eyed SouTHeRn TeaSe💋 --------------- ★ UP ALL NIGHT - 23
(Atlanta, North Atlanta, IN && OUT)
Special special everymans dream two GIRLS FOR $60$ INCALLS slap on these jiggly bootys - 23
(Atlanta, memorial dr /stn mtn 285 incalls 2/60)
*Special*last day in town with Redbone hottie. Find out what the talk of the town is about. - 21
(Atlanta, panola off i/20)
Sexy white canadian **BOMBSHELL** aim to please not tease (Outcall Only) - 28
(Atlanta, throughout georgia)
{■Sexy Slim Carribean Beauty ■} 《LeThaL Lips》♥Sexy Hips♥.. 《Come Dive In》 - 20
(Atlanta, snellville, conyers, Loganville, grayson)
-(*)-(*)Sexy Talented Submissive Beauty-(*)-(*)- Avail. Now - 21
(Atlanta, Atlanta Airport College Park)
Sexy Redd Incall Special$75 a pleaser by nature and you wont be disappointed 24HR- - 19
(Smyrna, Marietta.GA)
Sexy Redbone with a Sweet Personality and * (((NATURAL 42DDD)))* Special!!! - 23
(S. Atlanta/Airport/285S/75S)
██🌟☆🌟██ SexY █ EXCLUSIVE ➎§тⓐⓡ █ IИFIИIΓΞ PLEASURe🌟☆🌟█ B◎DY ➋ B◎◎TY █ BΞST Y◎U EVER HAD ➋➍//➐ 🌟☆🌟███ - 21
(Atlanta, (Buckhead/Midtown/Downtown/404,254,4998))
Sexy Burnett ~ Full D's for your Pleasure ~ Small Waist ~ I Love it All~ Open Minded - 19
(Chamblee Tucker RD / Hwy 285)
Sexy AsiaXXX Back In TownPlease Serious Callers OutCalls Only This Is The Real Me
SEXY Big Booty @ngel ♡Outcall specials, THICK dominican & trinidadian DIVA @ 404 615 8873 - 23
(Otp East, 78/285/85Snellville,Doraville Outcalls)
Sexy and Chocolate💋Best Kisses around 60hr after Christmas Special💋Phenomenal Reviews - 35
(Atlanta, Atlanta/Buckhead/ Lindbergh Station., City of Atlanta)
SEXY AMAZON 5'10 185 POUNDS tatts dont lie 32dd thick chocolate bunny - 21
(Atlanta, delk rd. marrietta. Cobb parkway., Otp North)
~~~~SeXi LeXi__ SeXi LeXi__ New Year Specials __SeXi LeXi__ SeXi LeXi~~~~ - 21
(North Atlanta, Incall only)
SAT Early Morning FReak PARTY w/freaky girls ++ $40 !!! Come get it in .. 7AM TO NOON - 24
* S E X Y *)———(* #1 C H O i C E *)———(* B O M B S H E L L *)———(* 85 SPecIALs * ) - 25
(Atlanta, MARIETTA)
(Otp North, DORAVILLE)
*¨¨*-:¦:-* S__ T__o__P ___ B_A_B_Y ___ T__a__K__e __ A ___ L__o_O_k. *¨¨*-:¦:-* - 22
(yOUR pLACE or Hotel)
🍦Rare TrEAT🍦Super Soaker 💦 🇭🇺Italian Bombshell 🇭🇺 💎Jerseys Finest💎 💋Upscale 📷Snapchat - 23
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta, Perimeter, Sandy Springs Dunwoody)
Rain boots and a thong.., is all you should have on.. cuz it gets around here! - 21
(Atlanta, southside old national)